Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mithila and its culture

आहांक इच्छा होइत हैत्त की आहान अपन गामक बारे मे जानी. ता सुनू हमर कहानी.

Mithila a region now defunct of its erstwhile culture and heritage, once boasted a rich contribution to Indian Society, in terms of language, literature, arts, etc.

The reason for this decline are many, prominent among these are regular population shift, shift in the composition of population, insufficient support to the artists groups, commercialization, regular breakdown of political machinery and its neglect of the region.

Recently I came to know that written literature of Mithila region can be traced back to 13C AD. However, we do find reference of Mithila in several Hindu Mythological literature.

Contributions of many poets, such as Vidyapati and Nagarjun could not be ignored. But who can deny that they had god's gift, which todays youth cannot think of. Neither they have same dedication which can see the value addition to the name of Mithila region.

Though cinema in Maithili has found its place and many are contributing towards its growth. We are yet to see a class of Maithili movies, which can find mass appeal and seek commercial sucess as well, which can help its growth.

Many current Bollywood artists belong to Mithila region, Mr. Udit Narayan Jha, being most famous among them. Many Mathil's have created a niche for themselves, albeit on an individual stage, as corporates, powerful governement officers, social workers. But on a wider social stage these people have contributed very less to increase the social status of other maithils, still staying in the region.

Plight of these people and their raw and sweet behaviour can still be seen in Mithila. However, they have no complaint towards others.

We must contribute more to the society, if we wish to survive and keep alive our heritage, because tomorrow our children will demand it.